$30 to pre-register, $35 at the door: To Sign Up click HERE
Ayurveda, in many of the introductory resources, seems like a type-yourself-then-live-by-these-rules sort of practice. This is almost exactly the opposite of what practicing Ayurveda is. For myself, and hundreds of my clients, it’s an individualized awareness that we have built, which guides our day-to-day decision making. Decisions on what to eat, whom to spend time with, when to wake up, what kind of music or exercise, or anything that is a choice about what kind of energy is coming into my life that day.
If you are curious about how Ayurveda could be applied in your life, come join me in a small group setting for an interactive introduction to Ayurveda.
We will discuss:
A- Basics of this ancient healing approach and how it compares to Western Medicine. This includes: a brief history, philosophy, the Panchamahabhutas (5 Elements)
B- Determining the concepts of constitution (Prakruti) and imbalanced state (Vikruti), involving Vata, Pitta, Kapha. Determining type.
C- Causes of Disease. (Agni, Ama, Ojas) What is balance? What is imbalance?
D- Diet and Lifestyle. Discussing daily rituals (Ritucharya) according to the elements, natural rhythms, and seasonal rhythms.
E- Open discussion and questions.
Dr. Vishnu Aragona is one of Philadelphia’s leading experts in Ayurveda, with over 20 years of experience in holistic training. He has been recognized by NAMA (National Ayurveda Medical Association) as meeting the requirements as a Doctor of Ayurveda. Vishnu has a Masters Degree in Ayurveda and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. Vishnu is also a licensed massage therapist, practicing various other modalities. He has been teaching classical yoga rooted in Ayurveda for almost 15 years and practicing 22 years. His Ayurveda, Yoga and Massage center, Still Point Ayurveda is the leading Ayurvedic Center in Philadelphia. Visit www.stillpointayurveda.com to find out more and to schedule appointments.