$45 to sign up click HERE
I am thrilled to bring back to Philadelphia students to NYC's best two teachers, my two dearest friends, and the world's greatest boss (Nikki is the director of Kula Yoga Project in Williamsburg, where I teach my monthly "master class"). This is truly a one of a kind workshop well worth your time!
Lecture & Practice
Calling all current and wanna be anatomy nerds! This workshop was born out of the desire to bridge the chasm between the terms presented in any good anatomy module and the true embodiment of the concepts within the asana practice. Many dedicated practitioners, teachers, and teachers-in-training have heard the basic terminology that maps the body, but have trouble applying what they know in order to help sequence a better class or find the fullest expression of a pose when on the mat.
This 3 hour workshop will be broken down into two parts: first up is a 90 minute lecture and discussion with KMI practitioner Lauren Haythe, followed by a 90 min Kula Flow class with Nikki Vilella. Each lecture will introduce you to a specific part(s) of the body and explore how these parts work in relationship to one another; you will also use a few relevant asanas as a lens through which you will explore the anatomical ideas presented in the lecture. During the second half expect a straight up 90 minute flow that will put the anatomical ideas introduced during lecture into practical application via an intelligent flow. Our hope is that you will leave smarter vinyasa students and teachers who better understand how to safely and effectively get yourself and/or your students from point A to point B in class.
The vagus nerve is in vogue, did you know? Come to this anatomy in action workshop with Nikki Vilella and Lauren Haythe and learn why "the great wanderer" is a major player in the game of good health. We have heard so much about the injurious nature of Yoga over the past few years, yet deep down we know it is a beneficial practice or we wouldn't continuously return to our mat. Your time will consist of a 90 minute lecture on the liberation of your upper body from KMI structural integrator Lauren Haythe, followed by a 90 minute class led by senior Kula Yoga teacher Nikki Vilella. The two combined will allow you to integrate all of your newly formed knowledge in a way that repatterns both your conscious and subconscious form. You know Yoga is good for you, come and learn the science behind how deeply rich it is, and how the most fundamental practices of asana and pranayama are by nature stimulating this important primary nerve that is on the cusp of exciting new medical research.
2 years ago Nikki found herself for the first time ever suffering from debilitating back pain. The Twelve Series that she completed with Lauren Haythe not only got her back on her feet, but inspired her to think about anatomy within the asana practice in a whole new way. She is most inspired when she can help students heal their own bodies through their practice, or better yet, utilize their bodies in a way that prevents common injuries. The longer she teaches, the more she finds students asking mature, challenging questions about their own physical bodies, and she has found the knowledge KMI practitioners have a perfect compliment to teaching alignment based asana.
Lauren Haythe became a certified KMI practitioner after studying under founder Tom Myers as well as James Earls in Oxford, England. She broadened her structural integration practice by studying orthopedic pain management with James Waslaski, visceral manipulation with the Barral Institute and became a licensed bodyworker in the State of New York after graduating from the Swedish Institute in New York. Most recently, she completed the Advanced KMI training with Myers and continues to offer Kinesis Myofascial Integration focused on the Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians and reworks clients posture and soft-tissue patterns through the Twelve Series. Lauren integrates certain yogic principles into her work, turning sequences as well as strength-based routines into maintenance programs for her clients following their sessions. This is derived from the belief that proper anatomical alignment as well as a yoga practice catered to the postural alignment of each client is critical for reeducating the body.